Many online job seekers are worried about the credibility of online jobs in general, whether on job sites or on social networking sites.In our current world, the Internet has become a very important means of communication and the search for information. Now, especially on social networking sites in the non-ratification of any publication only after the search for the source of the publication, if the source is known and popular, this enhances the credibility of the information more than just a normal account is not known publication of information.

In the case of jobs posted online when you want to determine the credibility of the job must also search for the source of the job is the publisher and what the publisher data (the name of the company or employer or recruitment officer of the company) it is possible to search in Google for the publisher by company name or e-mail There may be search results indicating the experience of others with this person or company.

But if you want to apply, whatever the results, this is not bad as well, so far you do not lose anything if you apply, but continued the reaction after applying for the job, this is the most important detector for the credibility of the posts announced and there are many cases we met on the functions of the Net reveal the credibility of advertisers for jobs:

1- If the job publisher requests commissions or fees for applying for the job, please be careful, this is not normal, except in the case that the company that advertised the job is a recruitment company and the recruitment of labor abroad and the recruitment of labor from abroad and must be a documented and famous company with a good reputation and must search for its history Well before proceeding to deal with this company and make any payments even if they are simple.

2- In case you request to send money outside your country in exchange for facilitating the application for a job or application fees, especially if the job is in a European country, for example, do not apply to this step at all. In the case of receiving a similar complaint is deleted all jobs for the publisher of the job or the company with the prohibition of the company from publishing more jobs in the future, this is absolutely unacceptable exploitation and we are fighting it with your help as well as your awareness.

3- There is also another case, which is when you apply for the job by sending your CV to e-mail responds to you that you must register in the job site other than where you found the job and fill in the full CV. In this case, the publisher of the job exploits your desire to get the job so he writes mock jobs to attract the largest number of resumes through it on the other site and charge a commission on each resume. This exploitation is completely rejected and must be reported immediately to take the necessary measures and permanent ban. (There is no objection in the case of filling the application form data if the application is not on the recruitment site for the purposes of advertising and often is either the application filling page on the site of the company or the job of the job or Google documents Google).

These are the most famous cases that have been identified, but there are some job seekers assess the credibility of the jobs declared by not communicating with them immediately after application! In this case this is not true at all, you may have applied late after someone else applied for the job and was accepted or perhaps the number of applicants for that job is large or that the specifications of your CV does not fit the job applied to it be patient and do not stop at all and must try before repeated try again Consider your resume and keep it updated with all important data periodically. The more informative your resume, the greater the chance of accepting the job.
As for employers and companies that advertise available jobs, they should also increase their credibility with job seekers by writing down all the details of the job in terms of features, necessary conditions, salary and everything. This also enhances the credibility of job seekers and hence the right employees in a short time.
In this article we wanted to provide real awareness to both job seekers and employers to better serve each other and to increase the quality of content on the online labor market. Available to companies after review through the review team before publishing, we on the site of Wazif Net just a medium to bridge the distances between the job seeker and employers.